The earth was a totally different place during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. Massive volcanic eruptions pumped trillions of tons of carbon into the earth’s atmosphere and changed the greenhouse world that existed during the age of the dinosaurs into a super greenhouse world. The source rock for coal, crude oil and natural gas that was formed during this period is our fossil fuels we are using today. The video clip Crude: The Incredible Journey of Oil (see below) does a fantastic job of explaining how the super greenhouse world stagnated our oceans and created an environment for massive algae blooms which in turn created the source rock. It is essential that you watch this video clip in order for you to understand how we are releasing massive amounts of sequestered carbon back into the atmosphere and oceans of our planet and how that is affecting our climate.
Please note that the video and audio quality of this video is poor. If you have access to Curiosity Stream, this video can be viewed in excellent video and audio quality.
Source credit: Roger Smith
Every man, woman and child on this planet is at war!!! World War III is not a war between nations, it is a war against carbon!!!!!
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, the human race has utilized fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) at an increasingly alarming rate to fuel our economies. The burning of fossil fuels releases the sequestered carbon back into our atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas). Our forests use the carbon dioxide for food, release oxygen back into the atmosphere and sequester the carbon in the wood. Some of the carbon dioxide that our forests cannot handle (they are being overwhelmed) is being absorbed by our oceans. Both our forests and our oceans are being overwhelmed with too much carbon dioxide and the excess is showing up in our atmosphere (climate change) and oceans (climate change, coral reef destruction, food chain). The science is overwhelming and a good place to start at grasping a full understanding is the Warm Heart Climate Change Primer by Dr. D Michael Shafer. The primer is a long read (3 pages for the Preface and 39 pages of climate facts with links). This primer is a little over two (2) years old and additional scientific information can be obtained by Googling carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, carbon dioxide in our oceans, and global average temperature change, but the following information illustrates the problem:

Global Warming
The chart shows the increase in global average temperature from 1850 to 2018.
Source: Berkeley Earth
Carbon Dioxide In Our Atmosphere
Read all of the scientific reports!!!!!! We are at 415 parts per million, more than anytime in the last 800,000 years. The Bourke Engine using fuel from algae for all transportation and distributive power generation will reduce our carbon footprint for these activities by AT LEAST 85%.

2019 - Was the Second Hottest Year on Record!!!!
Global Ocean Acidification
As our oceans absorb excess carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide reacts with the sea water forming carbonic acid which is changing the pH of our oceans making them more acidic. Research is ongoing as to how the increased acidic level of our oceans is affecting corals and marine life.
Source: IPCC 2007
We have identified the problem, massive amounts of carbon which has been sequestered in fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) which we are burning. We all know what the problem is, but no one is promoting viable solutions. To be honest, to win this war multiple battle plans need to be developed:
- We need to stop the destruction of our rainforests.
- We need to plant billions of trees, nature’s natural defense against carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Trees are the best solution to CO2 in our atmosphere but unfortunately, they take many years to mature so this option is not an immediate solution.
- Massive funding for research and development of solar and wind and incentives for every person on this planet to install it.
- Stop the use of coal to generate our electricity and use natural gas (C1H4) instead. Adopt distributive power technology that makes every solar and wind installation in the world a power source. In addition to solar and wind, using the Bourke Engine fueled with algae bio-fuels will enhance the strength of the distributive power system.
- Massive funding for research and development of desalinization of sea water and the infrastructure to get the fresh water to where it is needed to offset drought conditions brought on by climate change.
- The Great Lakes are at record high levels and are causing massive erosion of the shorelines. Develop the infrastructure to divert this fresh water source to areas of drought and to farmland areas that are pumping our aquifers dry to irrigate their crops.
- Massive worldwide funding for research and development on creating renewable fuels from algae and the infrastructure necessary to support the production (massive production facilities to small on site units).
- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reports that for 2017, 50.11% of oil demand was for transportation. Replacing crude oil that is being pumped out of the ground with Bio-crude from algae would reduce the carbon footprint by at least 85% for transportation and distributive power generation.
- All of the plastics that are contaminating our oceans need to be converted back into fuel (Google plastics to fuel)
- Worldwide biochar production of biomass as outlined in the Climate Change Primer.
- Develop the infrastructure to pump carbon dioxide into porous underground basalt formations as identified in the Climate Change Primer (Iceland).
How much could our world change with an 85% reduction in our carbon footprint?
I am certain that the above battle plans do not represent a comprehensive list, but it is a start and does not include the purpose for this website, worldwide use of the Bourke Engine coupled with a permanent magnet alternating current (PMAC) motor/generator which would be used as a range extender for electric vehicles of all types (automobiles, trucks, construction equipment, off road vehicles, airplanes, etc.). The electric cars and trucks could also be used as a power source for the distributive power technology described earlier.
The Bourke Engine was invented by Russell Bourke with the first prototype engine (Silver Eagle) completed and run for the first time on October 29, 1932. It can run on any hydrocarbon based fuel (algae fuels) and uses less than half of the fuel of a conventional internal combustion engine with virtually no pollution (no diesel particulate and no gasoline engine exhaust after treatment required).
Explore the rest of this site to discover why the Bourke Engine is so efficient and clean burning.
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