The upper transfer ports are opened by the piston head/rings for 100 degrees of crankshaft travel (from 310 degrees before bottom dead center until 50 degrees after bottom dead center – red arrow and red degree compass on the animation) and the fresh air/fuel mixture (under pressure) from under the piston hits the turbulating fins on the piston head which puts that fresh air/fuel mixture into cyclonic motion in the top of the combustion chamber so it does not escape through the open exhaust ports. The following function that Beau de Rocha identified in 1862 has been accomplished:
- Intake (from under the piston to the combustion chamber)
- Port openings will always be computed from the degree of crankshaft travel.
- Upper transfer ports open 50 degrees before bottom dead center (310 degrees – red arrow and red degree compass on the animation) and close 50 degrees after bottom dead center (50 degrees – red arrow and red degree compass on the animation).
- The upper transfer ports are open for 100 degrees of crankshaft travel (from 310 degrees before bottom dead center until 50 degrees after bottom dead center – red arrow and red degree compass on the animation).
- Upper transfer port hole size is calculated from the stroke of the engine (see Table II for maximum and minimum hole sizes). There are four upper transfer port holes, two (2) holes are aligned with each section of the turbulating fins. When the piston is at bottom dead center, the top of the piston should be above the top of the upper transfer port holes to prevent fresh air/fuel mixture from being sucked out with the exhaust gasses (all fresh air/fuel mixture must be put into cyclonic motion in the top of the cylinder to avoid sweep out with the exhaust gasses).
All of the volumes shown below for the 10.842 cubic inch (177.6748 cc) model were calculated using Solid Works:
- The volume under the piston when it is at Top Dead Center (TDC) is 166.478 cubic centimeters (cc), or 10.1591 cubic inches.
- The volume under the piston when it is at Bottom Dead Center (BDC) is 88.7875 cc, or 5.4181 cubic inches.
- The volume in the combustion area when the piston is at Bottom Dead Center (BDC) is 88.8374 cc, or 5.4212 cubic inches.
- The volume in the combustion area when the piston is at Top Dead Center (TDC) is 7.2358 cc, or 0.4416 cubic inches.
The compression ratio for this model is calculated by dividing the volume at BDC by the volume at TDC (88.8374 cc/7.2358 cc =12.28:1 compression ratio).

Global Warming
The chart shows the increase in global average temperature from 1850 to 2018.
Source: Berkeley Earth
Carbon Dioxide In Our Atmosphere
Read all of the scientific reports!!!!!! We are at 415 parts per million, more than anytime in the last 800,000 years. The Bourke Engine using fuel from algae for all transportation and distributive power generation will reduce our carbon footprint for these activities by AT LEAST 85%.

2019 – Was the Second Hottest Year on Record!!!!
Global Ocean Acidification
As our oceans absorb excess carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide reacts with the sea water forming carbonic acid which is changing the pH of our oceans making them more acidic. Research is ongoing as to how the increased acidic level of our oceans is affecting corals and marine life.
Source: IPCC 2007
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